Shokugeki no Souma (2015)

MAL  8.14
Shokugeki no Souma

Shokugeki no Souma

MAL  8.14

jp: 食戟のソーマ

ru: Повар-боец Сома

24 еп.24 ep.



  • Тип: Kind: TV СериалTV Series
  • Студия: Studio: J.C.Staff
  • Длительность: Duration: ~10 часов (24 эп. по 25 мин.)~10 hours (24 ep. 25 min.)
  • Дата релиза: Release date: 9/26/2015



  • Сёнен
  • Гурман
  • Этти
  • Школа
  • Shounen
  • Gourmet
  • Ecchi
  • School



Сома Юкихира [幸平 創真] мечтает стать штатным шеф-поваром в ресторане отца и превзойти своего родителя на профессиональном поприще. Он упорно идет навстречу мечте, но в тот момент, когда средняя школа остается позади, отец, Дзёитиро Юкихира [幸平 城一郎], закрывает свое заведение и отправляется на покорение Европы. Казалось бы, все планы рухнули, а стремления оказались напрасными, но Дзёитиро [幸平 城一郎], видя упавшего духом сына, предлагает ему пройти проверку на выносливость в элитнейшей школе кулинаров, только 10% учеников которой доживают до выпуска. Удастся ли это Соме?

Souma Yukihira has been cooking alongside his father Jouichirou for as long as he can remember. As a sous chef at his father's restaurant, he has spent years developing his culinary expertise and inventing new dishes to amaze their customers. He aspires to exceed his father's skill and take over the restaurant one day, but he is shocked to learn that Jouichirou is closing up the shop to take a job in New York.

Rather than tagging along with his father, Souma finds himself enrolling at the prestigious Tootsuki Culinary Academy, where only 10 percent of its students end up graduating. The school is famous for its "Shokugeki"—intense cooking competitions between students often used to settle debates and arguments. Jouichirou tells Souma that to surpass him and survive the next three years at Tootsuki and graduate there.

The academy's brutal curriculum and fiercely competitive student body await the young chef, who must learn to navigate the treacherous environment if he wants to stand a chance at realizing his dreams. But is skill alone enough to let him rise to the top?

[Written by MAL Rewrite]
